Promotion Actions
In this document, you’ll learn about promotion actions and how they’re computed using the computeActions method.
computeActions Method#
The Promotion Module's main service has a computeActions method that returns an array of actions to perform on a cart when one or more promotions are applied.
Actions inform you what adjustment must be made to a cart item or shipping method. Each action is an object having the action
property indicating the type of action.
Action Types#
The addItemAdjustment
action indicates that an adjustment must be made to an item. For example, removing $5 off its amount.
This action has the following format:
This action means that a new record should be created of the LineItemAdjustment
data model in the Cart Module, or OrderLineItemAdjustment
data model in the Order Module.
The removeItemAdjustment
action indicates that an adjustment must be removed from a line item. For example, remove the $5 discount.
The computeActions
method accepts any previous item adjustments in the items
property of the second parameter.
This action has the following format:
This action means that a new record should be removed of the LineItemAdjustment
(or OrderLineItemAdjustment
) with the specified ID in the adjustment_id
The addShippingMethodAdjustment
action indicates that an adjustment must be made on a shipping method. For example, make the shipping method free.
This action has the following format:
This action means that a new record should be created of the ShippingMethodAdjustment
data model in the Cart Module, or OrderShippingMethodAdjustment
data model in the Order Module.
The removeShippingMethodAdjustment
action indicates that an adjustment must be removed from a shipping method. For example, remove the free shipping discount.
The computeActions
method accepts any previous shipping method adjustments in the shipping_methods
property of the second parameter.
This action has the following format:
When the Medusa application receives this action type, it removes the ShippingMethodAdjustment
(or OrderShippingMethodAdjustment
) with the specified ID in the adjustment_id
When the campaignBudgetExceeded
action is returned, the promotions within a campaign can no longer be used as the campaign budget has been exceeded.
This action has the following format: